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Designed to answer any questions you have regarding fertilization, weed control and ornamental turf diseases. Be sure and scroll to the bottom of the page for helpful articles and past entries.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall Lawn Application, "The Importance of Pre-emergents"

Most landscaping professionals would readily admit to the importance of pre-emergent applications. Some agree pre-em is fifty percent of the battle when talking about success with ornamental turf grasses, "making them weed free is the primary goal and pre-em is a big part of that equation." Pre-emergents stop weeds seeds from germinating and some have post emergent activity as well, this aspect can play a big role in how well your yard looks thru fall, winter and into spring of next year. Leading into winter, discontinuing service prior to the fall pre-em application could have disastrous results. Weeds will be allowed to flourish in a time when your grass is dormant and weeds can take over. The importance of proper pre-em application is rarely debated and is a contiguous part of weed control and fertilization. If you want a yard people envy, pre-emergent is the biggest card played.

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