Having an ornamental lawn in this region can be a daunting task, most homeowners throw their hands up in disgust as their yard seems to relent under the pressure of the oppressing heat, county water restrictions, drought conditions, and the instinct to constantly apply water takes a toll on most homeowners.
Professional experience is more of a rational way to approach lawn care in this region, understanding how and when to water, what chemicals to apply and at what rate, can make the reality of the North Texas region more tolerable. Water restrictions are what they are, most cities across North Texas start water restrictions around this time every year, however, if you water the right suggested way, your yard should remain healthy.
Watering results can be different for every lawn, depending on several factors; slope or grade, type of soil and type of irrigation system. Yet water restrictions should not mean the end of a beautiful lawn. The University of Texas A&M, the foremost experts in native Texas soils and turf grasses, gives the following watering prescription year round, despite restrictions.
Texas A&M recommendation: "Water turf grasses once a week, insuring a long slow soak similar to a rain event, 1/2 to 1 inch of irrigated water in the north Texas region, this practice is better than several times weekly or 1/16 to 1/4 inch."(twdb2008)
This recommendation fits all water restrictions, usually under restrictions you can water at least once a week. So, according to the experts, your yard should not be damaged by lack of water, the method in which you apply water is the only change. Of coarse, watering more often for longer periods of time would be ideal to encourage a healthier lawn, however, its not needed, if your system is audited and puts out the right amount weekly, then one day is sufficient.
Lawn Tech can help you apply the right chemicals at the right time, limiting burn and helping you to target summer pest which can add to your problems, have your irrigation system audited, water once weekly as prescribed and your troubles should fade away, Call Lawn Tech today for help with your lawn, after all "A Beautiful Lawn Is Our Business" 972-346-2696
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