Welcome to Lawn Talk.

Designed to answer any questions you have regarding fertilization, weed control and ornamental turf diseases. Be sure and scroll to the bottom of the page for helpful articles and past entries.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Take Advantage Of Early Installation Discounts!

Take the hassle out of installing Christmas Lights this season, Let us handle the dangers of climbing the ladder, and fighting with tangled cords. Hurry and call Lawntech today for up to 25% off new Christmas Light Installation. We offer only the best products and service to bring you the best holiday experience, take advantage of our early installation discounts and take the sting out of labor cost, starting early can bring you big savings on your decorating needs. Call us today @972-346-2696

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Holiday Season Is Fast Approaching

One of the neat memories from my childhood happens to be remembering my childhood home decorated with multi-colored lights, tugging on those emotions, I can almost see my home vividly from memory. Those special times in my life, helps me promote Holiday Lighting, and continues to be a big part of why I enjoy helping our customers create memories.
Christmas lighting can be a wonderful mood creating atmosphere and with the right company installing them, a treasured memory. Christmas Decor has been installing lights since 1985, insured and bonded, we offer the customer, quality, value and service. Give Lawntech a chance to help create memories that last for a lifetime, call us today @ 972-346-2696 to get on the list for a free lighting proposal and early installation discount.

*Don't forget if you own a business, holiday lighting can increase consumer traffic, help customers shopping moods and spread holiday cheer!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall Lawn Application, "The Importance of Pre-emergents"

Most landscaping professionals would readily admit to the importance of pre-emergent applications. Some agree pre-em is fifty percent of the battle when talking about success with ornamental turf grasses, "making them weed free is the primary goal and pre-em is a big part of that equation." Pre-emergents stop weeds seeds from germinating and some have post emergent activity as well, this aspect can play a big role in how well your yard looks thru fall, winter and into spring of next year. Leading into winter, discontinuing service prior to the fall pre-em application could have disastrous results. Weeds will be allowed to flourish in a time when your grass is dormant and weeds can take over. The importance of proper pre-em application is rarely debated and is a contiguous part of weed control and fertilization. If you want a yard people envy, pre-emergent is the biggest card played.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Soaring Temperatures Can Cause Concern

All to often in this region temperatures soar above 100 degrees, causing ornamental turf grasses to parch and become dry or broom like, without proper water, keeping your yard looking "sweet" is almost not reality.
If you are lucky enough to live in a crowded neighborhood, you may be able to keep some moisture in your topsoil, however, if you live in an open area or rural area, hot winds dry out sod more rapidly. Direct heat is the big culprit however and direct heat can make Bermuda look dead if allowed to go without water.
Your budget will take a big hit, while trying to poor on water to keep your yard looking good, try watering deeper for longer periods at a time, in the mid morning, once a week if possible. Setting the proper mow depth can also prevent burn, by raising mower depth and sharpening blades. Do a self audit of your irrigation system to insure all heads are watering adaquatedly. Water restrictions may come into play, depending on where you live, pay attention to mailers included with your water payment to notify you of any shortages.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How much and how often should I water my lawn?

Proper Irrigation management has been debated often in relationship to ornamental turf grasses. One common theme you can find in most debates stems from the amount of water and what time of day is best, both topics seem to be the most contested argument put forth by all parties.
Most arguments can be put to rest by following simple instructions about irrigation management.

1. Know your irrigation system output.

Knowing how much your system puts out per minute can be beneficial to establishing guidelines. Once you have established your systems output, one can make an educated guess as to how much water is being applied in any given setting. (contacting your irrigation specialist for a system audit, can give you accurate output amounts)

2. Water in the early morning hours after the sun comes up.

Watering in the morning prevents moisture evaporation and can help decrease disease. Watering later in the day can cause evaporation from the sun and watering at night or before the sun comes up promotes disease by leaving water on the leaf blade to breed fungus.

3. Long slow watering is considered ideal rather than short frequent watering's.

Long slow watering helps promote a deeper root system and gives your topsoil a healthier environment for growth, consequently, run-off becomes a major issue when trying to water longer, knowing how long you can water before run-off begins is a basic concept to water management. Water as long as you can before run-off begins, allow the yard to soak up the water and then repeat until run-off begins again, all in the same watering setting or watering day.

4. Soil type and Run-off are often evaluated when setting your system.

Understanding your soil type can help a homeowner gauge how long to allow a system to run, sandy soils leach more water and can cause run-off more rapidly, while soils with less sandy loam and clay can absorb more and prevent run-off. Know your soil and set your system to manage run-off.

In the region we live in, (North Texas) a watering prescription for ornamental turf-grasses has been proposed as follows: 1 to 2 inches per week or a depth of 4 to 6 inches. (how you obtain this amount is with the longest watering cycle possible, in the mid morning with the least amount of run-off, every irrigation system is different)

Look to the left of this blog entry for Texas State Watering Guidelines or
The links below can help you further on the subject of turf-grass watering questions:
(cut and paste this link or click on the link to access website)



Why do I have so many seedheads?

Seedheads in bermudagrass

The "seedhead" issue is much more a factor of management than anything else such as variety choice. If a Bermuda is throwing blooms out every 5 days, then it is stressed. Under stress conditions, even the vegetative sod Bermudas will throw up a lot of blooms. Stresses include-poor drainage, poor watering (too much and too little), drought, low nitrogen availiablity, soil compaction, temperature, etc. Low imputs of Nitrogen is the most common cause of a Bermuda turf throwing a lot of blooms. By improving these management and cultural practice traits a huge reduction in the amount of bloom will be seen. To find out more about Seedhead Formation Concerns, visit: http://www.bermudagrass.com/maintenance/seedheads.html

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Do Other Lawncare Companies Offer So Many Treatments

Over the last decade, lawn care chemical companies have changed from a maximum of five yearly treatments to over ten, Why is this? Chemical applications for ornamental shrubs and turf grasses have grown with unnecessary applications and frequency, customers have been manipulated by big companies with powerful marketing teams, designed to get the most out of every customer. Each new promotion designed to squeeze more and more from their customer base, leaving them feeling less than satisfied when the final tally is added up at the end of the year.
One of the most common ploys to encourage new customers, is to market an inexpensive start up cost, luring the customer into a false sense of savings, (the old 25.00 dollar treatment ploy!) consequently, those same companies with the low sign up cost, end up adding additional services throughout the year, essentially starting low and ending high, they make up the difference by up selling the customer on services they do not need, i.e., grub control, disease control or aeration.
This is a bad practice to get into, yet most larger lawn care companies find themselves in this habit, offering cheap introductory prices to lure in new customers and then up selling treatments not needed. Training their lawn technicians to be salesmen, giving mandatory up sell quotas and putting their customers on call list.
We understand why other companies offer so many treatments; to increase income, keep employees working in the winter months and fortify their customer base, however, we also know how irresponsible this habit is for customers and for our environment. Over applying chemicals when they are not needed, is bad for the environment and against all ethical standards, secondly, most applications have some type of time frame to be applied, an arbitrary date they must be applied by, if you apply outside of those target dates, the chemical is not effective. And thirdly, affecting your pocket book, by up selling you for services not needed, just so they can keep working in the winter and make money.

Case in point:

I personally met a customer of ours years ago for the first time, he was using one of the other larger iconic companies, I will not mention their name! He told me he was not happy with his service and wanted me to come by in my travels and look at his yard, when I arrived I noticed granules on his sidewalk and driveway, now keep in mind this was in the dead of winter, I asked him if he had just applied something, and he stated that, "his current company had just applied a winterize fertilizer." I asked him to give them a call and ask them what the analysis was, he agreed. He called me a few days later and told me that the analysis was 18-18-18"winter coat" is what they called it. I laughed out loud! promptly apologized, and told him, a proven fact of dormant grass is that 94% percent of chemicals applied in the winter are leached away, not to mention the analysis made no sense, the middle number represents seed stimulation and growth, they had also reccomended an aeration, I had to scratch my head.

At Lawn tech we try to adhere to the same philosophy we have since 1985. Offer the customer value and limit up sells. We rarely ever offer any low introductory rate and rarely offer a discount, we try to apply everything you need in one treatment five times a year, just as all companies did a decade ago before yearly maximum treatments became popular. We never and I repeat NEVER, sell your information or put you on up sell call list, or apply chemicals on the weekend when your family is most likely in the yard, or call you at night when your eating dinner! Our treatment cost are affordable for what you get in return and at the end of the year, you save! We always offer free service calls, other companies use this as a unique opportunity to up sell you! We try to stick to a schedule of timed treatments in order to get the most out of the chemical, if the technician sees you have a problem with your lawn, needing extra services, we will call you and notify you of the need to spend more money to fix the problem, sometimes the up sell is warranted. So now you know the real story behind adding, up selling and number of treatments per year. Their is no need to over apply chemicals to you and your families environment, so call Lawn Tech today and let us show you why we are the responsible company offering you value for your money. 972-346-2696

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pictures of Common Weeds in this Region

The following are just a few of the most common weeds controlled with broadleaf herbicide this early spring, permitting the ground is not frozen. A good rule of thumb for herbicide application would be broadleafs in the cooler months, grassy in the warm months, however, most broadleafs respond to chemical application no matter the time of year, they are easier to kill, have more leaf blade surface for the chemical to adhere to and less of a fibrous root system.





Common Weeds Not Treated Until Warm Temperatures Rise Consistently, which unfortunately is most if not all grassy weeds, consistent 90-degree temperatures or hotter is best for chemical application performance. Sedge grasses are the most difficult to control because of their narrow blade surface, lateral root system and persistent nature




Wishing Everyone A Happy New Year And Beautiful Lawn Season

Lawntech wants to wish everyone a Happy New Year. This year promises to be a good one, with all of our current lawn customers being notified of our upcoming treatment schedule, we want to express to potential customers the need to call our friendly office staff, and have them explain how Lawntech can help you build and maintain a beautiful lawn, by our dedication, knowledge and years of experience, we have a proven track record of out performing our competition. So take the time to call and give us a chance, to tell you how we can help your yard look wonderful starting today, call us at 972-346-2696 for more information, be sure to continue to follow this blog for more great tips on how you can help make your yard look its best, once again have a great year!